Quick action by members saves Greenland Co-op from second fire

  3 June 2010

Greenland Housing Co-op has been the victim of another car fire. However, due to the quick thinking and actions by several co-op members, the damage was not extensive.
Zahir Jiwani jumped into the burning vehicle to release the gears and brakes to enable the car to be rolled out into the driveway by many of the members who had come out to help. The fire is believed to be the act of an arsonist. A similar incident at Greenland three years ago damaged several vehicles and three co-op units.
The member who was victimized, Gail Murphy, would like to thank all the brave souls who helped to keep the fire from becoming a tragedy. She lost her vehicle to the fire but came back to say, “this is and continues to be a place of co-operation and great success in the privilege of knowing, living, and being there for each other like I experienced last Friday night.”