Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP)

The Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP) helps non-profit housing co-ops access free home energy assessments and energy-saving upgrades. Products can include energy-saving bulbs, ENERGY STAR fridges, and water-saving showerheads.

Many co-ops in BC have participated – yours could be next!

According to FortisBC, heating and cooling typically account for more than 50% of a household’s energy use. Water heating accounts for another 25%. That can add up. Energy saving products can help you and your co-op save money and create homes that are more comfortable, while also having a positive impact on the environment. It can be difficult to know where to start. Luckily, there’s something that can help – the BC Hydro & FortisBC Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP).

The Energy Conservation Assistance Program provides members of qualified non-profit housing co-ops with free home energy assessments and installation of energy saving products. Started in 2010 by BC Hydro, the goal of ECAP is to make energy-saving upgrades more accessible to households and families that may otherwise face financial barriers. Since then, ECAP has helped over 145 housing co-ops and 5,300 co-op homes in BC.

For interested housing co-ops, there is no income testing required, and best of all, it’s free to participate!

Case Study

Ford Road was one such co-op that made use of ECAP in 2018 for its apartment and townhouse units. They were able to access home energy assessments for all units and install energy saving products in many co-op homes. Upgrades included energy-efficient LED lightbulbs, high efficiency showerheads, and fridge/freezer thermometers. Some homes also qualified for draught proofing and insulation upgrades.

The energy-saving upgrades installed through ECAP will depend on the housing type. There is some variations between apartments and townhomes, as well as on the individual characteristics of each home.

ECAP Partners

ECAP partners BC Hydro and FortisBC run versions of the program for co-ops that use electricity and for those on natural gas respectively. Interested housing co-operatives can reach out to It’s On Electric, the official ECAP delivery agent.

It can be a little challenging for a co-op to navigate ECAP on its own. There are different versions of the program with their own eligibility criteria and qualifications,. This can create confusion and lead to hesitation around participating. It’s On Electric has worked with many housing co-ops in BC to guide members through ECAP and ensure that they’re able to make the most of the program.

Get started today by contacting It’s On Electric at or 1-855-560-3227.