A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  2 August 2023   

Podcast: The Financialization of a Housing Crisis

The days of the “mom-and-pop” landlord are largely behind us. Now, housing units are being snapped up or developed by large corporate entities and private-equity firms. It can be hard to figure out who  actually owns a building. Homes being treated like major sources of capital, instead of places for people to live.

Erika Sagert, policy manager for the BC Non-Profit Housing Association, has been trying to identify just how many people are affected by this financialization of housing.

  19 June 2023   

Housing Central’s B.C. Budget 2024 Submission

On June 16, 2023, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC, and the Aboriginal Housing Management Association submitted our Budget 2024 consultation paper.

Taken together, our proposals will ensure that British Columbians have increased access to affordable housing and that their housing is affordable, safe, and in a livable state of repair.

  12 January 2023   

New $500 Million Rental Protection Fund Announced

The provincial government announced today that a new $500-million fund will be managed by B.C.’s community housing organizations to help deliver safe, affordable, and culturally supportive housing for individuals and families across B.C.

  27 June 2022   

Housing, homelessness, and poverty are key issues heading into B.C. municipal elections

A new Research Co. survey finds 39% of BC’ers rank housing, homelessness, and poverty as their number one concern, over double the next leading issue.

  3 May 2022   

VIDEO: Preparation and Protection from Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke

After the deadly periods of extreme heat in 2021, many housing co-ops recognized the need to help ensure the health and well-being of members and staff during these events.

  15 February 2022   

Housing Central’s Budget 2022 Submission: More Investments Needed!

B.C. Budget Day is February 22, 2022, and Housing Central will be following the release closely for new investments and commitments in community housing in our province.

  25 January 2022   

Let’s Talk Housing Podcast: Episode 1 Creating Affordable Housing

The team at BC Housing have created a podcast. The first episode features our CEO, Thom Armstrong and there other guests representing community housing organizations in BC.

  6 November 2021   

Together, let’s make #HousingCentral

BCNPHA’s latest edition of infoLINK – Housing Central Conference Special Edition is packed with exciting information about our upcoming conference! You’ll find helpful tips to make your #HousingCentral networking a success, a feature story on by Art Expo curator Robi Smith, a celebration of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association’s 25th anniversary, guidelines for retrofit success and much more!

  24 October 2021   

Registration for #HousingCentral is now open!

Are you ready for #HousingCentral 2021? Get ready to join us virtually to meet, learn, and engage with the brightest minds working to solve the affordable housing and homelessness crises.

  26 February 2021   

Reflecting on Black History Month: Our Commitment to Leading Change

As Black History Month draws to a close, we are reflecting on our work of shedding light on historical and modern day “hidden figures” in the Black community in British Columbia and Canada. Why did we feel it was important to celebrate Black History Month? 2020 was undoubtedly a year of reckoning in race relations. We all … Continued

  22 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Alexander Family

Early pioneers Charles and Nancy Alexander moved north from California in 1858. In setting down roots on Vancouver Island became some of the first community builders in the Victoria area.

Their legacy of giving back to and strengthening the Victoria and Saanich communities has earned them a prominent place in BC’s history.

  16 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Joe Fortes

Throughout February the Housing Central partners are celebrating Black History Month. We are sharing stories of prominent individuals who made a positive impact on our communities. In the process, they helped shape this province and blazed a trail for the Black community. The City of Vancouver just wouldn’t be the same without Seraphim Joseph “Joe” Fortes  … Continued