A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  8 June 2023   

Can’t make it to Ottawa? Participate in CHF Canada’s AGM Virtually!

This year, CHF Canada is piloting a new, hybrid option. Co-ops who can’t attend the National Business Meeting in-person can register virtual delegates.

This is an important opportunity for BC housing co-op to share our voice on a national stage from the comfort of home. We encourage every CHF Canada member in the province to register a delegate.

  21 May 2023   

One Week To Our Spring Forum: Have You Registered Yet?

Our Co-op Housing Spring Forum on May 28 is quickly approaching! This event will be an exciting celebration of of co-op living for all ages.

We look forward to once again offering a hybrid in-person and online format as well as a live broadcast in Victoria for our Vancouver Island members.

  14 November 2022   

AGM Special Resolution: Financial Oversight and Risk Management

The CHF BC Board of Directors have submitted a special resolution for the consideration and approval by members at our AGM on November 20, 2022.

  10 November 2022   

Meet our AGM keynote speaker from the Hogan’s Alley Society

CHF BC is honoured to have Djaka Blais (she/her) the Executive Director of the Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS) speak at our annual general meeting on November 20, 2022.

  27 November 2021   

CHF BC’s second virtual AGM was a success

CHF BC held its 39th annual AGM on November 21, 2021. The two-hour meeting attracted over 100 participants, including 55 delegates, to our virtual platform. President Suzann Zimmering presented the board report reviewing the achievements of CHF BC’s group of social enterprises over the past year. During her remarks, Suzann outlined three strategic priorities for … Continued

  10 November 2021   

2021 Annual General Meeting – Special Keynote Speaker

CHF BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be conducted online, on Sunday, November 21, 2021.

We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Diana Day, Lead Matriarch at the Pacific Association of First Nations Women.