A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  28 July 2023   

Expanded Benchmarking: Better than Free!

CHF BC’s free energy benchmarking program is up and running. And now, for most member co-ops, there’s a direct financial benefit to participation.

CHF BC has always been able to assist setting up accounts without charge, but Vancity has partnered with us to allow grants to be distributed for participation. If your non-profit housing co-op is a Vancity member, it may be eligible for up to $500.

  12 December 2022   

Vancouver Zero Emissions Building Program Launching Soon

As part of its Climate Emergency Action Plan, the City of Vancouver will assisting residents in multi-family buildings, with programs to aid with access to retrofits that support emission reductions.

  12 September 2022   

Benchmarking for Environmental Sustainability

We’re pleased to announce a new service to help CHF BC members measure and track energy use.

"Benchmarking" may not sound that exciting, but it’s definitely something we’re thinking about and excited to promote. It fits well with our shared concern for environmental sustainability.

  26 January 2022   

Vacancies on CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force

CHF BC is inviting applications from members interested in serving on the Climate Emergency Task Force. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 21, 2022.

  25 October 2021   

Open Letter to the BC Government on the Climate Emergency

We call on the BC government to recognize the urgency and alarm that people all over the province are feeling as the climate crisis directly impacts our communities and our health: deadly heat waves, wildfires, drought, floods, crop failure, fisheries collapse, and costly evacuations and infrastructure damage. These climate-related impacts are unprecedented and intensifying. Indigenous peoples stand to be disproportionately impacted by climate events despite successfully taking care of the land since time immemorial.

  29 July 2021   

New Sustainability Newsletter Launched!

CHF BC is pleased to introduce its first Sustainability Newsletter.  This will be a quarterly communication that looks at the environment, with a focus on housing co-ops and the work of CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force.

  16 April 2021   

How co-ops can tackle climate change – An interview with Kathryn Sheps

In 2020, CHF BC created a Climate Emergency Task Force to address climate concerns among our co-op communities, and share knowledge, resources and strategies that can be implemented in co-ops throughout B.C.

We had a chance to talk to Task Force member Kathryn Sheps about her work in delivering measures to address climate change, how co-ops can do their part – and most importantly, how we can stay enthusiastic about the work during an already challenging tim