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  1 May 2017   

Mayor gets early tour of Fraserview Housing Co-op, a unique community in the making

Last month, Thom Armstrong, Executive Director of the Co-op Housing Federation of BC, joined Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson for a tour of the Fraserview Housing Co-op, where we got an early glimpse…

  18 August 2016   

The Community Land Trust Foundation enters Memorandum of Understanding with North Cowichan Council

The Council of North Cowichan has set out to explore affordable housing initiatives in their municipality while entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with The Community Land Trust Foundation….

  29 July 2016   

The Community Land Trust pre-qualifies as a non-profit housing partner in the City of Vancouver

CHF BC is pleased to learn that the City of Vancouver has selected the Community Land Trust Foundation of British Columbia, (Community Land Trust) for its shortlist of pre-qualified non

  10 May 2013   

New co-op to be part of Land Trust housing development in Vancouver

A partnership of co-op and non-profit organizations led by CHF BC is bringing four sites owned by the City of Vancouver under one roof to build new affordable housing.

If approved by Vancouver City Council on May 15, the partnership’s proposal will create 355 affordable homes for families, seniors and people with a mental illness. The newly incorporated Fraserview Housing Co-operative will operate 161 homes as part of the development.