A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  19 January 2024   

Co-op Boards: Start the New Year Right with Tailored Training

Do you have an AGM on the horizon? How about scheduling board training shortly after? If this sounds like what your co-op needs, we have a tailored package for YOU!

To start the new year, we are offering two packages to CHF BC members at a discount on our regular rates. The promotion is applies to meetings scheduled before April 30, 2024

  1 September 2023   

Active Resilient Communities (ARC) is ready to engage your co-op!

CHF BC’s Active Resilient Communities program provides a series of facilitated conversations and support to help co-ops develop a grounded vision for the future and an action plan to reach that vision.

We are excited to start offering this program to member housing co-ops across B.C.

  11 March 2023   

Working Together to Serve our Members Better

CHF Canada and CHF BC have close ties. Staff at both organizations have excellent working relationships, sharing resources and best practices through various collaborations.

In February 2023, CHF Canada invited CHF BC to participate in its annual Member Services Meeting in Ottawa, bringing together people from across Canada over a couple of days to discuss critical issues for non-profit housing co-ops.

  13 December 2022   

Community Housing Transformation Centre Funding: CBTI and ARC

The Community Housing Transformation Centre offers support, information, and grants to the community housing sector, including non-profit housing co-ops and their residents.

  3 October 2022   

Employment Opportunity: Co-op Services Advisor

Join our team supporting member housing co-ops by providing meeting support, sound governance & management advice, and promoting our programs and services.