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  12 February 2024   

Video: B.C. Premier on the importance of co-operative housing

During his announcement of the acquisition of 2 Coquitlam housing co-operatives, B.C. Premier Eby discussed the important role that co-operative housing plays in meeting the challenges of the housing crisis.

During his remarks, he noted that co-ops are a model of housing that works. It’s stable housing, it’s affordable housing, and it’s also built-in community.

  8 February 2024   

A Significant Victory for Co‑operative Housing in Coquitlam

Coquitlam is celebrating the acquisition and preservation of 290 co-op homes by the Community Land Trust. This was made possible through a contribution from the Rental Protection Fund (RPF).

This is a significant milestone for co-operative housing in B.C., It marks a crucial step forward in protecting housing security for co-op members in B.C.’s daunting housing landscape.