A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  27 March 2023   

How Housing Co-operatives Build Equitable and Diverse Communities

As part of the CHF BC Scholarship process, applicants are asked to write a short essay on a topic related to housing co-ops. The independent Scholarship Committee committee members are consistently impressed with the high quality of insight and writing skills of the applicants.

Last year was no different. They were so impressed in fact that we wanted to share some of their essays will a broader audience.

  24 March 2023   

The City of Vancouver wants your input on Seniors Housing!

Your feedback will help the city understand the housing needs of seniors, Elders and older adults aged 55+ living in Vancouver. Your input will help shape policies, partnerships, and advocacy actions being developed as part of the Seniors Housing Strategy this year.

  21 March 2023   

Our Commitment to Eliminate Racial Discrimination

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

CHF BC is dedicated to the principles of anti-racism and an end to racial discrimination. While much progress has been made, Indigenous peoples, and racialized and religious minority communities—including in housing co-ops—continue to face racism and discrimination every day.

  20 March 2023   

Happy Nowruz from CHF BC

Nowruz translates into “new day” in Farsi. It is a festival based on the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar and celebrates the arrival of spring. The holiday marks the traditional Iranian New Year, which begins on the vernal (spring) equinox.

It is largely a secular holiday celebrated by more than 300 million people around the world from various ethnic groups and diverse communities.

  14 March 2023   

Kickstart Your International Career with Rooftops Canada’s Young Professionals Program

Rooftops Canada is seeking 4 qualified candidates to participate in their 6-month Young Professionals (YP) Overseas Placement Program.

This is part of a five-year project called “Women’s Spaces: Implementing Equal rights to Land, Housing and Livelihoods” in Angola, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda.

  6 March 2023   

#EmbraceEquity on International Women’s Day

CHF BC is happy to join this year’s International Women’s Day campaign #EmbraceEquity.

One of CHF BC’s strategic priorities is belonging. We want our co-ops to be communities that promote and embody equitable access, opportunity, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

  2 March 2023   

BC Budget is a Step Forward on Reconciliation

Our Housing Central partners at the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) are pleased to see significant investment in Affordable Housing and Homelessness across BC in the 2023 BC Budget. This investment is long overdue and needed as BC deals with a housing and homelessness crisis that disproportionately impacts Indigenous people and communities.

  31 January 2023   

Black History Month 2023

February is Black History Month in Canada. Black History Month is the annual commemoration of the contributions of Black and African diasporic communities in Canada. It recognizes their significant role in our history, even while enduring unending inequality, oppression, and erasure. Each year, Canadians celebrate this month by uncovering parts of our own colonial legacies to better understand our present and future.

At Housing Central, the events of 2020 compelled CHF BC and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) to hold a mirror to ourselves and reflect on our efforts to address racial inequity as a community.

  20 January 2023   

Happy Lunar New Year 2023: Year of the Rabbit

As the new moon appears in the sky tonight, the Lunar New Year begins welcoming the Year of the Tiger.

  4 January 2023   

Tamil Heritage Month 2023

Tamil Heritage Month is celebrated each January to increase awareness and appreciation for all the achievements and contributions of the Tamil people. British Columbia—and the rest of Canada— is home to a large Tamil diasporas.

  10 November 2022   

Meet our AGM keynote speaker from the Hogan’s Alley Society

CHF BC is honoured to have Djaka Blais (she/her) the Executive Director of the Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS) speak at our annual general meeting on November 20, 2022.

  5 October 2022   

2022 Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony

Thank you to everyone who attended CHF BC’s annual Century of Co-operation awards ceremony on September 29, 2022 at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver. The day was filled with laughter, music and great people! We were overjoyed to be able to bring back the Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony for our long-time co-operators after our 2-year … Continued