A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
Are you interested in community housing?
Would you like to participate in making a difference for thousands of Canadians?
Do you want to work with passionate and committed people?
Then the Community Housing Transformation Centre is the place for you!
Earlier this week, our Housing Central partners at BC Non Profit Housing Association released an updated Canadian Rental Housing Index including data from the 2021 census.
The Index is a comprehensive database that compiles rental housing statistics for cities, regions, and provinces across Canada.
Colleges and Institutions Canada (CICan), along with its 50 – 30 Challenge Hubs and Knowledge, Mobilisation and Dissemination Centres, have been working hard to bring you an incredible lineup of talented speakers to round out the month of March.
They’ll be discussing topics pertaining to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and offering practical steps that organizations—including housing co-operatives—can take to make positive change in the workplace.
After the deadly periods of extreme heat in 2021, many housing co-ops recognized the need to help ensure the health and well-being of members and staff during these events.
Our friends at the Ending Violence Association of British Columbia are offering a FREE series of online class through SHARP Workplaces on sexual harassment in the workplace.
The YES Cooperation Media Club Stream will introduce youth to exciting new ideas, stories, information and theories that will open up new possibilities for the way they (and by extension, we) think about the world.