A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
The YES Cooperation Media Club Stream will introduce youth to exciting new ideas, stories, information and theories that will open up new possibilities for the way they (and by extension, we) think about the world.
CHF BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be conducted online, on Sunday, November 21, 2021.
We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Diana Day, Lead Matriarch at the Pacific Association of First Nations Women.
Thank you to everyone who was a part of CHF BC’s Virtual Well-Being Conference.
We hope that each session, activity and interaction at this year’s conference left you feeling refreshed and more connected to yourself and your community.