A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  11 July 2022   

Historic Announcement, July 11

We are thrilled to share news of an important announcement that will take place on Monday, July 11. The announcement brings together several partners on a historic deal for the co-operative housing movement, and we want you to be part of it!

  14 December 2021   

115 Place Housing Co-op needs your help

The co-op’s lease is ending, and the union pension fund has decided to sell the land and buildings to the highest bidder. The inevitable outcome of a sale like that will be drastic rent increases and economic eviction for many of the co-op’s 244 households.

  9 November 2021   

Interest Rates Likely to Rise

Co-ops carry debt for a few reasons: they may still be paying off their original mortgages for construction and land acquisition; they may be borrowing to secure a new lease; or they may undertake significant capital renewals (like new envelopes or parkade membrane replacements) that trigger borrowing.

Whatever the reason for having debt, interest rate trends are worth keeping an eye on.

  9 February 2017   

New hope for Vancouver co-ops on leased land

Vancouver City Council adopted a report yesterday that will lead to long-term security of tenure for up to 50 housing co-ops on City land.

  7 December 2015   

City of Vancouver Lease Agreements – Co-op Follow-Up

In June 2015, CHF BC organized a pair of meetings to start conversations with co-ops that have City of Vancouver leases. The first meetings were for co-ops with short-term leases or ground-rent…

  10 July 2015   

City of Vancouver Lease Agreements – First Conversations with Co-ops

For the last week of June, CHF BC arranged a pair of meetings for some of the 50 housing co-ops holding leases with the City of Vancouver. These meetings were focused on the concerns of co-ops with…