A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  11 April 2024   

Strategic Priorities 2030: Envision a Strong Future with Us

Help shape a strong future for co-operative housing in BC!

Join us on either May 13 or May 23 to help CHF BC envision new strategic priorities for 2030 and beyond!

  19 July 2023   

Marpole Co-op Get-together builds new relationships and partnerships

CHF BC hosted the latest get-together in our neighbourhood event series on July 12, 2023, with a group of housing co-ops in the Marpole neighbourhood of Vancouver.

Members from several Marpole housing co-ops spent a beautiful summer evening touring neighbourhood co-ops. During the tour, they shared their co-op living experiences with one another.

  29 June 2023   

Summer BBQ: A Recap of Fantastic Fun!

The 2023 Co-op Housing Summer BBQ was a resounding success, filled with mouthwatering food, delightful live music, creative face painting, and thrilling games.

Held in the heart of Burnaby at Central Park, this event brought together families, friends, and community members for an unforgettable day of summer festivities.

  8 May 2023   

VIDEO: Grandview-Woodland Housing Co-operatives Gathering

On April 28, 2023, CHF BC resumed its program of neighbourhood events with a group of housing co-ops located in the Grandview-Woodland neighbourhood of Vancouver.

Members from a number of housing co-ops from the neighbourhood had the chance to meet and discuss issues of common interest and visit several of the neighbourhood non-profit housing co-ops.

  11 February 2022   

Winter Updates from CHF BC

The board and staff of CHF BC have had a busy start to 2022. Here are some highlights of what we’ve been up to.

  19 January 2022   

Mobility Pricing in Metro Vancouver: How to Have Your Say!

Our friends at Moving in a Livable Region (MLR) are hosting six local and one regional dialogue on Mobility Pricing across Metro Vancouver starting mid-February.

  9 December 2021   

2021: Our Year in Review

As 2021 comes to a close, the CHF BC Group of Social Enterprises would like to take a moment to look back on the year that was. We spent a full year in a pandemic, and we continue to be reminded of how much we can achieve if we do it together. Some of these … Continued

  3 December 2021   

CHF BC welcomes new staff to our team

CHF BC would like to announce two recent additions to our staff team: Saurabh Parnami and Yuri Artibise. We looking forward to working with them as they contribute to our work in representing and serving our members. Saurabh Parnami – Asset Management Program Analyst Saurabh is an outcome-driven professional with both creative and analytical capabilities. … Continued

  9 November 2021 launches — Thanks CHTC for funding for ARC

We’re happy to report that, the website supporting the new ARC program (active resilient communities), is up and running.

  22 June 2021   

Rescheduled City Lease Town Halls

CHF BC can now confirm that Vancouver City Council plans to hear a report from staff on housing co-op lease renewals on July 7. The staff report will be released to the public on June 30, 2021.

We will be holding two town halls for members to prepare for the Council meeting.

  11 June 2021   

City of Vancouver Lease Town Hall Postponed

Some last-minute considerations have emerged that will push the Council report on co-op leases to July 6 or 7.  As a result, the public release of the Council report will not happen any earlier than June 29.

CHF BC is therefore postponing the June 17 town hall to a date later in June or early in July.  The date will be announced at the earliest opportunity, as soon as we receive word on the final schedule.  We will share more information with you as it becomes available.

  1 February 2021   

Anti-Racism Resources

For many people. learning about anti-racism can be a difficult and personal process. It can often be difficult to no where to start. While we are all in different places in our journeys to be anti-racist, a good place to start — or check in with yourself — is by reading, watching, and learning.

There have been several resources produced in recent years on this topic. Here are some to get you started.

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