A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  6 December 2021   

Diana Day, 2021 CHF BC AGM Keynote Speaker

Diana Day was invited to speak to our 2021 AGM about what truth, reconciliation, and decolonization might look like in our community of housing co-ops. Diana is a First Nations woman from the Oneida Nation, a member of the Wolf Clan, and has lived in Vancouver since the early 80’s, and is a member of … Continued

  23 November 2021   

Truth, Reconciliation and Decolonization

Diana shared some of her knowledge and experience with CHF BC members and staff, and highlighted both important history and actions we can take now.

  10 November 2021   

2021 Annual General Meeting – Special Keynote Speaker

CHF BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be conducted online, on Sunday, November 21, 2021.

We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Diana Day, Lead Matriarch at the Pacific Association of First Nations Women.

  24 October 2021   

Thank you for joining us!

Thank you to everyone who was a part of CHF BC’s Virtual Well-Being Conference.

We hope that each session, activity and interaction at this year’s conference left you feeling refreshed and more connected to yourself and your community.

  7 October 2021   

The Land Owner Transparency Act brings New Obligations for Housing Co-ops

The Land Owner Transparency Act is relatively new legislation and it creates new obligations for “reporting bodies,"  including housing co-ops

Please read over this summary prepared by BC Housing: Land Owner Transparency Act Summary for Co-ops.

  13 July 2021   

Vancouver Lease Backgrounder: Present, Past, and Future

July 2021 was an important month for housing co-ops in BC, and especially in Vancouver. After years of work (and lobbying) on the part of co-op members, CHF BC staff, and City of Vancouver staff, Vancouver’s City Council unanimously approved a new framework for lease renewals. The work of actually renewing those leases is starting … Continued

  29 January 2021   

Community-Based Tenant Initiative is also for Co-ops

CHF BC was a founding partner in the creation of The Community Housing Transformation Centre. Among other things, the Centre administers funding for co-ops and others to improve member (and tenant) engagement. This year’s funding period will end on March 31. Consider making an application under the Community-Based Tenant Initiative Fund. The following comes from … Continued

  26 January 2020   

Fraserview members take the lead

Fraserview Housing Co-operative took a big step forward by electing its first resident board at last week’s annual general meeting. This marks an important occasion in the life of a multi-site partnership with the Community Land Trust, the City of Vancouver and the members of Fraserview. Half a decade ago, the City sought a non-profit … Continued

  7 November 2019   

Important update on CMHC subsidy extensions

Enrolment in the FCHI-2 began last month for federally administered co-ops.  The program will provide new rent assistance to low-income members beginning April 2020 and lasting until March 31, 2028.

In earlier communication we advised all federally administered co-ops to apply for enrolment in FCHI-2 in case they are eligible.  We can now be more precise in our advice.

  28 June 2017   

Fabulous fun in the sun at Co-op Housing Summer BBQ

Co-op members from around the Lower Mainland came together on Saturday, June 24 at Trout Lake in Vancouver for an afternoon of fun, good food, games, kids races, and prizes in the bright summer sun. Members shared a BBQ catered by Vera’s Burger Shack and enjoyed live musical entertainment by renowned performing artist Sibel Thrasher. The annual event … Continued

  27 February 2012   

Remembering Shirley Schmid

The co-op housing sector lost one of its true pioneers this month when Shirley Schmid passed away on February 11 at the age of 79.  Almost 40 years ago, Shirley organized the first housing…

  10 May 2005   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections

CHF BC is calling for nominations for board and finance committee elections at the November 26 annual general meeting.