A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  28 August 2023   

North Arm Housing Co-operative is now accepting members!

North Arm Housing Co-operative is the newest addition to the Community Land Trust (CLT) portfolio. It brings an additional 58 homes at Fraser and East 19th Avenue in East Vancouver.

Aimed at for a diverse 55+community, the co-op features studio and one-bedroom apartments for members within the seven-story building. It is a welcoming, connected and inclusive neighbourhood with affordable housing for a secure long-term home.

  11 January 2023   

Laying the foundations for a new co-op

While we aren’t usually excited about pictures of a hole in the ground, we’re making exceptions to these photos taken last weekend of a new co-operative being laid in the Joyce Collingwood neighbourhood of Vancouver.

  18 May 2017   

CHF BC asks CHF Canada’s members to support new co-op development

Are you or another member of your co-op attending CHF Canada’s AGM in Niagara Falls this June? CHF BC is sponsoring a resolution at the meeting and we are looking for your support to make sure…

  1 May 2017   

Mayor gets early tour of Fraserview Housing Co-op, a unique community in the making

Last month, Thom Armstrong, Executive Director of the Co-op Housing Federation of BC, joined Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson for a tour of the Fraserview Housing Co-op, where we got an early glimpse…