A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  9 September 2022   

REMINDER: New Obligations for Housing Co-ops

Last autumn, we let you know about new obligations that your co-op faces: housing co-ops and other landowners need to submit reports to the Land Owner Transparency Registry. These obligations were delayed, but the revised November 30, 2022, deadline for filing transparency reports is fast-approaching.

  22 April 2022   

Co-op Housing in the News

Following the release of the federal budget there has been a flurry news coverage. Here is a selection of some of these articles… and more.

  29 October 2021   

BC Registry Adopts New Wording for Co-op Rules Changes

BC’s Registry Services has introduced new requirements for the wording of special resolutions housing co-ops typically use to amend their Rules.

These new requirements are in place now and must be followed.

  7 February 2017   

We’re Living Wage Employers!

CHF BC and COHO Management Services Society (COHO) are proud to announce that they are now certified as Living Wage Employers. General Manager for COHO and CHF BC Michelle Iversen said,…

  29 July 2016   

The Community Land Trust pre-qualifies as a non-profit housing partner in the City of Vancouver

CHF BC is pleased to learn that the City of Vancouver has selected the Community Land Trust Foundation of British Columbia, (Community Land Trust) for its shortlist of pre-qualified non

  23 June 2016   

CHF BC says farewell to April English

With great sadness we share the news of the passing of our long-time education consultant and friend, April English.Many of you knew April through her popular workshops and her work as a…

  22 December 2015   

Record-breaking AGM generates excitement over new program, new board and new hope

A new program, a new board and new hope for members caught in the co-op housing crunch were all unveiled at a meeting that took AGMs to new heights. A record-breaking 64 delegates plus observers and…

  2 February 2007   

Winter SCOOP mailed on February 2

The latest issue of SCOOP is out. Be sure to pick up a copy at your co-op.