A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
CHF BC and CHF Canada embrace the internationally recognized co-op principles: democratic member control, education and training, and autonomy are all vital, but Principle #6, co-operation among co-operatives, is one we like to highlight.
Recently, staff members from CHF BC’s Planning and Renewal team had a chance to meet with our counterparts at the national federation, including the Regional Energy Coach, when they were visiting Vancouver.
The first resolution members will be voting on at the 2023 CHF Canada national business meeting promotes co-op action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Co-op 2030 Vision.
As a co-op member, you have a say. Encourage your co-op delegate to review the 2023 Resolutions package on the CHF Canada Annual Meeting event site, and be ready to vote June 17.
This year, CHF Canada is piloting a new, hybrid option. Co-ops who can’t attend the National Business Meeting in-person can register virtual delegates.
This is an important opportunity for BC housing co-op to share our voice on a national stage from the comfort of home. We encourage every CHF Canada member in the province to register a delegate.
Co-op housing sector organizations across Canada have always had close working relationships.
Our latest collaborative venture is a National Education Committee that is steering a project funded by the Community Housing Transformation Centre: Co-operative Housing Sector Education Transformation (CHSET). The purpose is to bring together our education community to share our work, make us stronger, and provide better, more relevant and accessible education initiatives across the country.
CHF Canada and CHF BC have close ties. Staff at both organizations have excellent working relationships, sharing resources and best practices through various collaborations.
In February 2023, CHF Canada invited CHF BC to participate in its annual Member Services Meeting in Ottawa, bringing together people from across Canada over a couple of days to discuss critical issues for non-profit housing co-ops.
Every year the Victoria Health Co-operative, a Victoria charity which runs a number of programs including the James Bay Health Co-op, invites CHF BC and other local co-ops to come to its Annual…
Half of Vancouver Island member co-ops were represented at the Vancouver Island Council meeting in February. Congratulations to Marie Honey (Marigold Co-op) elected as council chair and Stephen…