A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  8 May 2023   

Celebrate Asian Heritage Month in May

May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada. This month provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the contributions that Canadians of Asian decent have made—and continue to make—in Canada. It is also a reminder for all of us to come together to combat anti-Asian racism and discrimination in all its forms.

  21 March 2023   

Our Commitment to Eliminate Racial Discrimination

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

CHF BC is dedicated to the principles of anti-racism and an end to racial discrimination. While much progress has been made, Indigenous peoples, and racialized and religious minority communities—including in housing co-ops—continue to face racism and discrimination every day.

  31 January 2023   

Black History Month 2023

February is Black History Month in Canada. Black History Month is the annual commemoration of the contributions of Black and African diasporic communities in Canada. It recognizes their significant role in our history, even while enduring unending inequality, oppression, and erasure. Each year, Canadians celebrate this month by uncovering parts of our own colonial legacies to better understand our present and future.

At Housing Central, the events of 2020 compelled CHF BC and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) to hold a mirror to ourselves and reflect on our efforts to address racial inequity as a community.

  21 March 2022   

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – March 21

CHF BC is dedicated to the principles of anti-racism and and end to racial discrimination.

We understand that while progress has been made, Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities in Canada continue to face racism and discrimination every day.

  3 May 2021   

Housing Central Celebrates Asian Heritage Month

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, this May we join together with our partners in Housing Central to celebrate the rich Asian heritage of our communities.

We acknowledge the Asian-heritage community leaders and builders and want to uplift their voices and stories.

We will also begin the work to formally tackle anti-Asian racism while acknowledging that this is an ongoing process and just the beginning of our work to dismantle structural racism.

  8 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Rosemary Brown

Rosemary Brown broke through racial barriers and the glass ceiling, making her mark in politics and human rights and leaving behind an inspiring legacy of achievement.

Her work has helped ensure equal rights for women and people of colour, whether it’s in our schools, workplaces or homes.

  1 February 2021   

Anti-Racism Resources

For many people. learning about anti-racism can be a difficult and personal process. It can often be difficult to no where to start. While we are all in different places in our journeys to be anti-racist, a good place to start — or check in with yourself — is by reading, watching, and learning.

There have been several resources produced in recent years on this topic. Here are some to get you started.