A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
Learn what happened at the February 7 Vancouver Island Council meeting.
Updates include: federal and provincial budget submissions, upcoming events and workshops enhanced resident-member benefits, national advocacy initiative, and an exciting new donation to Island members.
Vancouver Island members are invited to join us for two exciting upcoming events.: Vancouver Island Council and Anniversary Reception, and Island Education Day.
2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the merger of The Vancouver Island Co-operative Housing Association and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC. The result — one federation serving housing co-ops across the province — has been a resounding success.
Thank you for joining us for the Fall 2019 Vancouver Island Council meeting at the Hotel Grand Pacific this week! There was a great crowd for the October 8 meeting in Victoria.
Island members gathered on May 24 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting in Victoria, networking with new and familiar faces, delegates and co-op members.Vancouver Island Directors Art Farquharson…
Island members filled the room on February 15 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting in Victoria, networking with new and familiar faces, delegates and co-op members.
Island members filled the room on October 19 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting in Victoria, networking with new and familiar faces, delegates and co-op members.
Island members filled the room on May 25 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting in Victoria, networking with new and familiar faces, delegates and co-op members.Vancouver Island Directors Art…
Island members filled the room February 24 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting, connecting with familiar faces, delegates and the latest new co-op members.
An enthusiastic group came together for the October Vancouver Island Council meeting on October 14.Congratulations to Avis Michalovsky, who was acclaimed as Chair of the Vancouver Island Council and…
On the spring-like evening of Wednesday, February 25, a group of Vancouver Island members met and shared a few hours together at the Vancouver Island Council meeting. As usual there were a lot of…
Half of Vancouver Island member co-ops were represented at the Vancouver Island Council meeting in February. Congratulations to Marie Honey (Marigold Co-op) elected as council chair and Stephen…