The federal election is underway—#VoteHousing

  16 August 2021

We have the power to make a real difference and end homelessness and housing need. We can do it at the federal election ballot box on September 20, one vote at a time. CHF BC—and our Housing Central partners, the BC Non-Profit Housing Association and CHF Canada—have joined the Vote Housing campaign. This is a national, non-partisan effort to end homelessness and make housing safe and affordable across the country.

The campaign is mobilizing Canadians to ensure all political parties leave behind decades of public policy choices that have entrenched homelessness and housing need in our communities – and make bold new commitments to affordable housing. The Vote Housing campaign kicked off earlier this month with the release of Nanos poll data. This data showed Canadians overwhelmingly support ending homelessness and building affordable housing. Housing policy matters to Canadians – and we want our political leaders to take action that reflects our deep desire for everyone in our communities to have a safe place to call home. Key takeaways from the poll show just how important housing is in this election:

How to Help!

What can you do?

  • Visit Here you will learn more about the six actionable policies that political parties can adopt if they’re committed to ending homelessness and housing need
  • Pledge to Vote Housing. This will help ensure the policy choices that brought us to the current crisis are transformed into bold investments in affordable housing
  • Volunteer in your community and be part of this grassroots campaign leading to BIG change in housing and homelessness policy.  Register here for weekly virtual volunteer training sessions
  • Share the news! Spread the word that you’re planning to Vote Housing. Talk to your family, friends, and coworkers about the need for all political parties to put housing and homelessness solutions at the table
  • Show your support! We have a large collection of campaign material including signs, postcards, and buttons at the Housing Central office in Vancouver. Contact us at and we’ll ship items to you as quickly as possible.

Let’s add our voices – a sector filled with passionate individuals who are already making a difference, every day – to the growing calls for all political parties to show their commitment to upholding the right to housing with bold investments and effective policies that end homelessness and housing need across Canada.