Working Together to Serve our Members Better

  11 March 2023

CHF Canada and CHF BC have close ties. Staff at both organizations have excellent working relationships, sharing resources and best practices through various collaborations. These have included various 2020 resources (e.g. Getting Governance Right, Beyond Participation) and some shared IT support services.

In February 2023, CHF Canada invited CHF BC to participate in its annual Member Services Meeting in Ottawa, bringing together people from across Canada over a couple of days to discuss critical issues for non-profit housing co-ops. This year there were discussions around:

  • using technology to support co-op members,
  • training and succession,
  • community engagement and rebuilding (including discussions around ARC),
  • and new directions in education.

Two CHF BC staff members made the trip to Ottawa to take part and to carry out some research outside the CHF Canada meetings.

Almost 99% of non-profit housing co-ops in BC which are members of CHF Canada are also members of CHF BC. The two federations share the common interest to serve members and the recent discussions have inspired everyone with some new initiatives.