10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Join us as we unpack the journey that one housing co-op has been on with an equity consulting group examining their policies and procedures.
The question of how to make our housing safer, more inclusive and representative of the communities we live in is happening all around us. Conversations about JEDI (Justice, Equity, Decolonization and Inclusion) are never complete and come with the complexities of emotional reactions and mixed results.
This workshop will have two parts: the first will be an opportunity to hear about the JEDI journey that the First Avenue Athletes Village Housing Co-operative (FAAVHC) is on, speaking vulnerably about the work that has happened so far, what has been going well, what hasn’t and where to from here. Participants will have an opportunity to digest that and then consider where in the journey their co-op is and how it could be supported.
He has worked on a wide variety of projects that range from teaching and arts organizing to various positions within local and provincial government in South Africa and Canada. He has a Certificate in Dialogue and Civic Engagement from SFU where he serves as an advisor, works on Deep Democracy and Lightwork coops and serve on the faculty of Inner Activist.
Shawn Price, First Avenue Athletes Village Housing Co-operative , is a former board member who assisted Lightwork in their equity review of his co-op's examining policies and procedures.