The Co-op Compass is a facilitated process that brings your housing co-op membership together to develop a shared mission and vision based on co-op housing values. This grounds decision-making and informs your future planning.
The full process is twelve hours over two to four visits – engage in the full process at the outset or take it one step at a time.
View the Co-op Compass flyer and the different options available.
The Co-op Compass offers your co-op:
• A process that engages your membership in deciding the direction for the co-op
• A strategic perspective that rises above the day-to-day distractions
• Help preparing your co-op to anticipate and manage future challenges
• An opportunity to collectively address the big issues
• A framework that is already tested by other housing co-ops
Benefits for your co-op community:
• Improves morale and unifies your community
• Demonstrates how to make your meetings engaging and productive
• Focuses your members’ attention on the things that really matter to your co-op community
• Helps you choose between competing priorities in the short and long term